# Love Your Work 🤓

That's my motto. I like it because it's about me and you, here's why...

Not to get to deep, and shit, life in general is not a bunch of roses. It's hard and if I am going to make my way I need to love what I do. It's my suggestion to you as well, to love your work.

But that's not all. It's my way of showing appreciation of the effort you have put into what ever it is your doing. It must be good as it has my attention and, if I like it, I "Love Your Work".

I have always felt there is no better reward for doing something than someone shows appreciation for it. I have a had a number of jobs that had mediate response and direct effect from the work I did. In the 90's I was a DJ and early 2000's I became a lighting director of the biggest club in Brisbane at the time. Seeing a room full of people(the club could hold 3500+ full) all having the most amazing time, arms in the air, smile ear-to-ear is the best reward you can imagine. I see no reason why I can't continue that with everything I do and experience.

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My Cool Beard
My Cool Beard